Sunday, May 9, 2010

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Putting your customers first will increase your bottom line

As always I try and remind people what industry we are in because sometimes restaurants owners can lose focus on what makes them special and the loss of revenue can happen very quickly. Whether someone owns a full service restaurant, a quick service restaurant, a catering company, a deli etc... we are all in the Hospitality Industry. To achieve excellence in hospitality is not easy but it is the key that makes the difference of a successful restaurant to a failing restaurant.

Stop and really take a hard look at how hospitable your restaurant is. Can you be doing better? Even if you are considered a "5 Star" restaurant you always striving for excellence but you will probably say "Yes I can do better." That is why a "5 Star" stands above the rest because hospitality is the main focus and never jeopardized. If you begin to give better service you will find in no time that your business will start to grow and your bottom line will start to increase right before your eyes.

My Philosophy is " Creating places where people want to be is creating prosperity." If you feel as though you need help feel free to e-mail me personally at I am here to help you with your success. Thanks Tina

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Dog And The Restaurant

The Dog and The Restaurant

Normally you would not think that dogs have anything to do with a restaurant but in this case, a dog could be a CEO's best friend. Did you ever think that cute little thing looking up at you and wagging its tail had all your business answers and could help maximize your profits? Would you like your employees to achieve their highest performance in every area of your business, reduce employee turn over and increase your bottom line profits?

A large part of a restaurants bottom line profits is the reflection of how individuals perform in their job "descriptions." If an owner is "wearing too many hats" as some might say, or working too many of the jobs at their own company, then they will have a negative impact on the bottom line profits. If anyone is in a job description that is not suited for them then the company performs at a loss. If someone is taking on many jobs and is handling all of them it does not mean that all of the areas are being performed at their highest level, therefore the company again would be performing at a loss.

What is important for getting the highest return on performance is that someone performs their best at the task they are doing and that they are proud of their own accomplishments. Think of it this way....When we train a puppy we put them in a very small cage and it may seem inhuman but the dog will not poo in the cage where they have to sit, so they hold themselves until the owner takes them out for a walk. The puppy quickly learns what their boundaries are and then do very well in their new environment. If we let the puppy go anywhere they won't understand their boundaries. The owner won't be happy and neither will the puppy because the puppy won't know what is expected of them and knows they are not pleasing their owner. So think of it this way, when the employees do not understand what their job description is or if they are not suited for the position then it would be like having dog poo all over your restaurant, but instead it's all the money you lost.

A job description should be a written detailed outline of what the daily tasks are for a position and should always be re-evaluated. A job "description should not be confused with a job "responsibility" which I previously wrote about, "Why Some Managers Make Bank for Owners." Please read last article if you would like.

To properly fit someone into a position make sure they really enjoy what they do. Find out what they like to do best and find out what they least like to do and try not to give that job to them. I think every person offers something special and unique and there are some people who offer pure talent. Find out what it is and then maximize on it.

If you need help with getting your restaurant to perform at its highest level in all areas of your restaurant to increase your bottom line profits just give Dean Small a call over at Synergy Restaurant Consultants he has worked with over 250 of the largest restaurants in the world increasing their bottom line profits.

Tina Cahill
CEO Shop For Restaurants

Please check out all the exclusive offers for restaurant owners and great new ideas at

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Dog And The Restaurant

The Dog and The Restaurant

Normally you would not think that dogs have anything to do with a restaurant but in this case, a dog could be a CEO's best friend. Did you ever think that cute little thing looking up at you and wagging its tail had all your business answers and could help maximize your profits? Would you like your employees to achieve their highest performance in every area of your business, reduce employee turn over and increase your bottom line profits?

A large part of a restaurants bottom line profits is the reflection of how individuals perform in their job "descriptions." If an owner is "wearing too many hats" as some might say, or working too many of the jobs at their own company, then they will have a negative impact on the bottom line profits. If anyone is in a job description that is not suited for them then the company performs at a loss. If someone is taking on many jobs and is handling all of them it does not mean that all of the areas are being performed at their highest level, therefore the company again would be performing at a loss.

What is important for getting the highest return on performance is that someone performs their best at the task they are doing and that they are proud of their own accomplishments. Think of it this way....When we train a puppy we put them in a very small cage and it may seem inhuman but the dog will not poo in the cage where they have to sit, so they hold themselves until the owner takes them out for a walk. The puppy quickly learns what their boundaries are and then do very well in their new environment. If we let the puppy go anywhere they won't understand their boundaries. The owner won't be happy and neither will the puppy because the puppy won't know what is expected of them and knows they are not pleasing their owner. So think of it this way, when the employees do not understand what their job description is or if they are not suited for the position then it would be like having dog poo all over your restaurant, but instead it's all the money you lost.

A job description should be a written detailed outline of what the daily tasks are for a position and should always be re-evaluated. A job "description should not be confused with a job "responsibility" which I previously wrote about, "Why Some Managers Make Bank for Owners." Please read last article if you would like.

To properly fit someone into a position make sure they really enjoy what they do. Find out what they like to do best and find out what they least like to do and try not to give that job to them. I think every person offers something special and unique and there are some people who offer pure talent. Find out what it is and then maximize on it.

If you need help with getting your restaurant to perform at its highest level in all areas of your restaurant to increase your bottom line profits just give Dean Small a call over at Synergy Restaurant Consultants he has worked with over 250 of the largest restaurants in the world increasing their bottom line profits.

Tina Cahill
CEO Shop For Restaurants

Please check out all the exclusive offers for restaurant owners and great new ideas at

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010's Secret Recipe For A Successful Restaurant

Happy New Year Everyone! I have the secret for what it's going to take for restaurants to be successful and to fill your restaurants in 2010. I am going to give you the secret and I know you are not going to want to pass it along because you wont want your competitor to find out. However, I do want to caution you because I do send out a lot of e-mails and one may be sent to your competitor and they may read it too and if they don't well ....lucky you. All I know is who ever uses the secret will be by far more successful then anyone that does not. I will give you the secret ingredients and step by step instructions in what to do. It is very easy but if you feel as though you need some help I have some experts that are waiting to assist you.

The Secret Ingredients

All You Will Need

Step #1. You must get every single solitary persons email address, phone number and date of birth who walks through the doors of your restaurant. Including customers, family, (yes your mother and father) friends, employees, distributors, vendors, plumber etc etc... Are you getting my drift?

Step #2. Take all of the email address, phone numbers and dates of birth and put into a data base. Do not stir or mix just let them rise.

Step #3. Make contact with everyone in your data base 3-4 times a month or once a week via their e-mail or phone and let them know what is going on at your restaurant.

For Best Results: Make a call to action! Examples: Come in and get_______ Come see our_____Come try our_______Join us on ______Buy one get one free_______ Look who's playing______Clip your coupon for your_____ Reminders: happy hour, events, holidays, early bird specials etc...

This is not about offering the best deals, specials or discounts even though they are nice. This is about what we learned in basic business 101 name recognition and today we call it "Branding"

This is the way of the world in 2010 and how marketing is done. If you are not up to date in how to market your restaurant you are losing revenue and customers to someone else who does.

The cost of today's mass marketing is so minimal compared to the cost of old traditional advertising that even the small mom and pop restaurants have a more fair playing ground in 2010 with the large chain competition.

I have found some of the best companies who specialize in restaurants for you.

For restaurants who want the marketing power at the cost of a hair cut go directly to my website and click on: Advertising, Branding, Consulting & Marketing any of these companies know what your needs are.

For the multi million dollar units that need help I recommend using a world renowned restaurant company that is able to assist you with implementing any new programs at a national level and drive those sales up. Synergy Restaurant Consultants

I hope I get to know more about your restaurants in my own e-mail this year, I am looking forward to visiting you too. Get started today and make 2010 a successful and profitable year!


Tina Cahill
Shop For Restaurants